Others: What other features do you require on your website?
What is your current website address? *
How long has it been since you've last launched / revamped your website? *
What are you looking to solve with a website revamp? *
How many product(s) will there be on your E-Commerce store? * Please Select 1 to 10 11 to 50 50 to 300 Others
Others (Please Specify) *
Others: What function(s) do you require on your E-commerce store? *
How many courses will you be offering? * Please Select 1 to 10 11 to 50 50 to 300 Others
What is the pricing structure for your courses? *
How are your courses / lessons structured?
Will there be quizzes / tests? Will students have to pass them to obtain a certificate? *
Do you have videos / images / content ready for the courses? *
What languages do you require on your website? *
Content Writing / Editing Service: Please let us know your requirement. * Please Select I would like to have my content planned, strategised, and written from scratch with the information I provide. I will be writing my own content. I just need a professional to edit the content for me.
Are you currently using any email marketing platforms for your business? * Please Select Yes No
What email marketing platform are you currently using? * Please Select Mailchimp ActiveCampaign Mailerlite Sendinblue Hubspot Others
Others: What email marketing platform are you currently using? *
Do you have a current list of email addresses that you've gathered from your business? * Please Select Yes No
Please provide us with an estimation of the number of email addresses in your email list *
What pages will you require on your website?
Will you have pages that requires constant updating?
If someone were to search for you on Google, what keyword(s) do you think best describes your business or services?
What are the top 3 success factors for your website?
What Is your ideal launch date for the website?
In a few words, can you tell us about your business or company?
What products or services do you provide? *
Who is your target audience?
Why do your customers choose you over your competitors?
What are 3 of your favorite websites (And Why)?
Do you have a logo? Please Select Yes No Yes, but I'll submit later
Would you like us to design your logo? Please Select Yes No
Do you have a professional Visual Identity Guideline? Please Select Yes No Yes, but I'll submit later
What’s the impression you want your website to leave on viewers?